Values and Aims
We will encourage our children to be aspirational learners by providing them with the opportunities they need to develop key skills, through an enriched curriculum, which also supports them to become good citizens.
Our school aims to:
Nurture our children to be the best they can be
Create an environment where everyone feels happy, safe, respected and diversity is valued
Help our children to become resilient learners who embrace challenge
Place no limits on learning by valuing effort as well as attainment
Offer an enriched curriculum which encourages aspiration, co-operation and creativity
Equip our children with the values, morals and skills to enable them to make a positive contribution to British society
Work in partnership with families and be actively involved in the wider community.
Our ethos at King's Wood is to ENRICH, NURTURE and INSPIRE our children.
We take a holistic approach to children and to learning
We focus on learning to be good learners
We offer a broad curriculum
We work hard to create an engaging environment
We create exciting opportunities
We value a wide range of skills - academic, practical and interpersonal
We celebrate our individuality
We foster kindness and respect
We develop confidence in our children
We support our children to build resilience
We encourage optimism
We promote a growth mindset
We place no limits on learning
We have high expectations for all
We create opportunities
We raise aspirations
We foster ambition
We make learning fun
British Values at King's Wood
British Values are embedded in the ethos and the learning at King's Wood. They form a key part of pupils' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education.
The 2014 government guidance highlights the importance of children's understanding of the following aspects of British Values:
1. Democracy
We promote understanding of democracy through:
Electing School Council members
School Council representation of class members
Assemblies focusing on elections and news
Discussions through P4C and PSHE
2. Individual Liberty
We promote understanding of individual liberty through:
Discussions and assemblies focusing on rights and responsibilities
Giving pupils' opportunities to "have their say" - e.g. through pupil voice interviews
Involving pupils, through the Student Council, in making decisions about the school
Using language of choice
3. Rule of Law
We promote understanding of rule of law through:
Having a clear and consistently applied behaviour policy
Offering positive reinforcement as well as sanctions
Displaying and using the school's Golden Rules
4. Mutual Respect
We promote mutual respect through:
Discussions in class (e.g. P4C) and assemblies
Golden Rules which are underpinned by respect and kindness
Robust responses to issues of bullying and / or discrimination
5. Tolerance of those with different faiths or beliefs
We promote tolerance through:
A broad, rich RE curriculum which supports pupils to value and respect the beliefs of others
Opportunities to visit different places of worship to develop understanding of different faiths
Discussions about different beliefs, and the importance of respect, through assemblies, P4C and PSHE
Enabling members of different faith communities to take part in major festivals by upholding their right to time for religious observance
Zero tolerance of discrimination on the basis of faith or belief
Please click here to see the school's Golden Rules.