School Uniform
We know that our children feel more confident and "school-ready" when they are neatly and correctly attired. We also know that certain safety issues can be managed most effectively through ensuring that children follow these basic expectations:
Longer hair is tied back (this reduces the spread of head lice and the risk of hair becoming caught).
Sensible, well fitting school shoes are worn which have grips on the soles and do not easily slip off the child's feet (this reduces the risk of slips and falls).
Stud earrings - if worn - must be removed for PE; no other type of earring is permitted in school. Pupils must be able to remove their own earrings as staff will not do this and we ask you not to send your child in earrings if they cannot remove them. However, please be advised that we advise against pupils wearing any earrings to school (this reduces the risk of ears being accidentally damaged).
Please support us in upholding these expectations so that risks are kept to a minimum.
The uniform which children are required to wear is outlined below.
Blue sweatshirt with logo*
White blouse or polo shirt
Grey or black skirt or pinafore dress, or black trousers
Grey/Black tights/White socks
Black school shoes
Blue and White dress (summer)
Blue sweatshirt with logo*
White shirt or polo shirt
Grey or Black trousers
Grey/Black socks
Black school shoes
Grey or Black shorts (summer)
PE Uniform:
White t-shirt with blue school logo*
Black shorts
Black plimsolls (for indoor PE; some lessons are barefoot)
Trainers (for outdoor PE)
Track suit Black/Navy (advisable for outdoor PE in the cold weather)
* ​School Uniform items printed with the King's Wood School Logo are on sale from
PMG Schoolwear, 5 Church Square, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 2BN Tel: 01494 529693
Please click here for information about uniform in the Nursery